
Hello, my name is Audrey Lee, and welcome to my blog AUEE. I wanted to make this blog after I bought a new home about 2 years ago, and was so confused about how to renovate or maintain my home. I used so many different blogs and websites to try and find helpful tips towards making my home the comfortable space it is today, although my garden is still a work in progress right now! Anyways whilst looking at these sites I thought why not start my own blog about what I’ve learned about moving into my first home, and here I am!

Moving can be super scary but with my husband, by my side, we found the perfect house… admittedly it was very rough around the edges, but I think that’s why I love it more because we built what we wanted from it almost from scratch. Now we have a baby on the way and I thought I would spend my downtime writing this blog that I have been waiting to do for two years.

A bit of my background is my parents are both from China, so I grew up in a very cultural home, filled with great food and core family values. They both moved to the USA before I was born so I have only been to China on a few visits to see old relatives when I was younger, I would love to go back with my child when they grow up so that they can experience what their culture is like and understand where they are from.

I am also an orthopedic surgeon, so my schedule can be super busy, so I understand how hard it is to renovate a new home when you are always on the go. I have no idea what I’m going to do when the baby arrives so this garden needs to be done before that!!!

So settle in with a warm chamomile tea and start renovating your home with me!
